Back to the grind

Today most Swedes go back to work from the holidays.  The subways and buses will be full of bleary-eyed people chugging coffee and wondering where all those mornings in bed have gone.  It’s easy to completely change your schedule with 2 weeks off.  Lately we’ve been up til midnight and waking up in the mornings around 9 or 9:30am. (Don’t laugh – that’s pretty late when you have small kids.) Today we eased our way back with 7:30am.  Tomorrow when the kids start school, it will be 6:30 am.  Oh the horror!  How do people do this?  After 2 weeks, I’ve completely forgotten how this works.  After 2 weeks I’ve also forgotten how to eat normal things for breakfast and not waffles and cookies!  After 2 weeks I’m going to have to wear actual clothes and not pajamas!

I hope Easter gets here quickly.


One Reply to “Back to the grind”

  1. Kevin

    No kidding! Today was the first day back for my kids and it was a lot more difficult for me. I’m such a martyr but I still manage to kick them out of the house and watch some mindless daytime TV.

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