Today is everyone’s first day back to school after Easter break. I had to haul depressed kids to the kitchen table for breakfast. Then, in typical Monday fashion, we all missed the bus so we had to walk 10 minutes to the subway. Or, as my 7-yr old said, “It’s a mile to the subway and I don’t have any muscles in my legs!”
Upon arriving at the completely packed subway, the doors shut on my husband and youngest son. Did I mention it’s also drizzling and gray this morning?
We tried to tell the kids that Mondays are hard for everyone. People even write songs about it! Manic Monday, Monday Monday, Blue Monday, and of course the one my husband chose to play for the children – “I Don’t Like Mondays.” Nice idea if it weren’t about a girl who hates Mondays so much that she shoots everybody. Maybe not the best message for the kids?
This led to a discussion about which day of the week has the most songs written about it. Our conclusion was that it might be between Monday and Saturday (possibly Friday). After searching around, I think Monday is winning. Sad songs sell better than happy ones I guess. Am I wrong? Maybe there are a whole slew of songs about Tuesday I’m not aware of.