Mall Tycoon

As my mind was drifting last night, I started thinking about fountain features in malls, as most people do late at night.  Then I started thinking about what goes into designing a mall, which led to the natural question – where’s the game for that?  I have Rollercoaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon.

Where is Mall Tycoon?

Some features of Mall Tycoon:

  • Good variety in food court
  • Place for kids to hang out
  • Mall cops, Bathrooms, and stores of course

This got me to thinking about my hometown’s local mall, which has sadly gone way down in quality the past 10 years.  If I were to recreate this mall, I would need:

  • 22 flea market shops
  • 2 teenager/stoner/poster shops  (I’m looking at you, “Hot Topic.”)
  • 14 shoe shops
  • Abandoned sealed off wing full of dead pigeons
  • 2 decent department stores to lure people in
  • 2 abandoned department stores turned into storage facilities
  • 1 Bath & Body

Stay tuned next week when I describe my new game – Mexican Restaurant Tycoon  ( Set price of Margaritas to 1 dollar – Restaurant full!)



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