Strangers are generally much more talkative in the U.S. than in Sweden. At times it can be nice to chat with someone. I might learn something new or come away with a funny story. At other times strangers’ interactions with me can become a little too intrusive.
For example, I was in Texas buying underwear. The salesperson said, “Have you tried this underwear before?”
“Um, no.”
“I have. It’s great. You should go change your underwear to this now.”
How do you respond to a statement like that? Also, maybe I’m already wearing some amazing underwear. Telling me to change my underwear is implying something is wrong with the current pair I’m wearing. One can’t just assume one pair of underwear is superior to any others.
Or should I ask what makes this underwear so great? Does it play music when I walk? Does it always keep a cool temperature of 19c?
I didn’t take the salesperson’s advice that day, but I do have to admit, the underwear I bought did turn out to be pretty great.
” Instant underwear change demanded by salesperson ” alleges lawsuit. 😀
so funny
Haha cool story 🙂 and yes in USA they r more relaxed when talking (especially if they have to sale 😄)