New stereo system

In order to save a bit of money, my husband and I decided to install our new car stereo system by ourselves. We took the car into a mall parking garage because we don’t have a garage and it’s -10 outside. It took us 3 hours to install the stereo and speakers after which time we agreed that the installation price was probably quite fair for this amount of work. This is also because the stereo mostly works, but occasionally it goes out and you have to hit the door to get it back on. Swedish ghetto life.

Of course, my husband bought this stereo without consulting me first. I had a much better idea, which was to have a Mad Max Doof Warrior playing a flaming guitar with giant speakers in front of our car. Much better sound and he probably takes requests. But instead, we have a normal car stereo just like everyone else. Oh well. Maybe next vehicle.
