Under the Bridge

Tonight I’m going to a club called “Under the Bridge” to watch my very talented husband perform.  Of course, when he first told me he was performing “under the bridge,” I tried to assure him that we weren’t having bad money problems and I’m sure he could find something better to do than sing under a bridge in the freezing cold.  Fortunately I misunderstood and it’s simply the name of a club located, of course, under a bridge.

I’m looking forward to tonight, but the performance doesn’t start until after midnight.  This is not easy for older parents of 2.  I’m not sure I even want to know what this town looks like after midnight on a Friday payday weekend.  I’m taking the car and a thermos full of coffee.  We will see how I do fitting in with the 20-something year old club kids.  Hmm…. maybe the blue wig will do the trick.

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