Attack on ice cream

Apparently a man was sentenced for drilling holes in the tires of an ice cream truck this past autumn because he couldn’t take the constant melody.

A prominent Swedish businessman was sentenced and fined on Friday after he cut holes in the tyres of an ice cream truck because its jingle threw him into a rage.

I’ve always wondered how it is for the drivers of those ice cream trucks.  It was bad enough when I worked at a department store and had to hear the same cd with 10 songs over and over, but I couldn’t imagine driving around all day listening to ice cream melodies. It would be like working the line at the “It’s a Small World” ride at Disneyworld.

Anyway, why drill holes in the tires if you don’t like the melody?  That just makes the truck stay longer. It would be better to get a jet pack on the back of that thing so it goes faster.

Honestly, I think this man is really mad because he never has enough change for an ice cream.
