Fancy dishwasher

Our new dishwasher is too complicated for me.

We had our old dishwasher replaced after it finally refused to wash the top level of dishes. It had been hanging on for a few years, through duct tape on the outside handle to superglue on the spinning arm, but it just couldn't take the barrage of dirty dishes that a family of four tends to load every evening.

Enter the NEW dishwasher. It has a digital display. Can someone explain why this is necessary? I tried to push the button to start an empty run. This happened:

NEW Dishwasher: You haven't inserted to extra fancy cleaning solution in case I feel the need to clean my insides when there are no dishes.

Me: I put a regular tablet in you. You're brand new. I think we have a few weeks until a cleaning. (Push button again)

ND: There's not enough salt.

Me: Are you mimicking my husband? You sound exactly like him at dinner time. Also, why does a dishwasher need salt? (Push button again).

ND: (let's out a watery sigh). Fine then 50 degrees. This will take 2 hours.

Two hours??!!! There aren't even any dishes!

Why can't we buy a machine with one button? Clean dishes. Or two buttons at the most. "Clean dishes" and "Forgot for a few days and now it's all dried up so better use the power jets."

The only good thing is that because it's so computery, I can honestly tell my husband that I won't be able to load or unload dishes anymore so that will be his job.

Perhaps the new dishwasher isn't so bad after all.

1 thought on “Fancy dishwasher”

  1. Watching a woman load a dishwasher (in my experience) is like watching a bear dance; impressive but worryingly pointless and to no real purpose (see also “man using a vacuum cleaner”).


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