
In Stockholm, there are always people in the morning handing out the Metro, which is a free newspaper.  It’s nice to have it handed to you, as everyone is usually running to a train.

But now I have become spoiled.

Lately, about once a week, these same people also hand out a free product from a company.  I assume the company has made some deal with advertising in Metro.  Sometimes it’s a breakfast cereal, sometimes a snack bar.  The other day it was travel toothpaste.  Excellent!  I needed more of that.

Some days it gets strange.  In the spring I was handed an ice cream bar – at 6:30 in the morning.   Don’t get me wrong, I’m always up for a free ice cream, but this was really the wrong time.

Because I get so many free things, I have started to get angry when there are no handouts.  I know this is not right, but they have spoiled me too much.  I also get angry if the handout is something I cannot use.  So Metro advertisers, here is  a list of acceptable handouts:

1. chocolate
2. pastry treats
3. more chocolate

As you see, there is a theme to the free items that I want.  Get with the program, Metro.  Happy readers have happy stomachs filled with chocolate.  But please not in ice cream form before 10am.


4 thoughts on “Freebies”

    • Thank you! There was nothing again today! They’re falling behind. I’m placing my hopes on Friday. I could use another travel toothpaste. 🙂

      • Hopefully that will happen! Seems like it’s already Christmas haha…

        and, how do you like Sweden? and the Swedes?

  1. The Swedes are generally great and usually very honest. It takes a while to get to know some of them. Sweden is beautiful in the summer. However, I do not hold the same opinion for it in November, January and February (December gets a pass because of the pretty Christmas decorations).
    It’s a great place, but they need to shorten their winter. 🙂


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