
I used to live in a building with a trash chute in the stairwell.  That was the greatest.  I could walk 3 steps outside my door in my pajamas and toss trash immediately into a magic chute where I never had to think about it again.

But as usual, someone in the city of Stockholm had to complain and now all new buildings have bins for trash outside of the building, while many old buildings are closing up their trash chutes and moving them outside as well.

What awful person had to ruin this for us!  It’s -15 several months out of the year here!  I really don’t have time to take on a winter coat, boots, scarf, gloves, hat, etc just to take out the trash!

Our neighbors found a way around this.  They simply leave the trash outside their door and stink up the house until they happen to be heading outside (which apparently they don’t do every day).

I’m considering building a metal slide from the 3rd floor to the outside trash chute.  I don’t think anyone would mind.  I think they would join me.

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