
This is a message for the Swedes – HALLOWEEN IS OCTOBER 31 !  IT IS ONLY ONE DAY AND IT IS ALWAYS OCTOBER 31.

When I first moved here twelve years ago, Halloween was barely celebrated at all.  Over the years things have gotten better.  It is easier to find pumpkins for sale and some businesses actually put up decorations.  I feel that the Swedes want to celebrate this holiday but are a bit confused by the proper way to do it.

It seems that it is often confused here for the weekend that is closest to All Saints Day, or the weekend before.  In fact, it is perfectly acceptable to celebrate Halloween over a 2 weekend period here.

We don’t get many trick or treaters because children trick or treat on Easter instead (more on that in April).  Last year we had two trick or treaters come to the door on October 31 and I congratulated them with extra candy just for getting the right day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy that they celebrate it more here, but once November starts I am completely out of Halloween mode and have eaten all the candy.  So get it right – OCTOBER 31.  I expect to see everyone in costume, jack-o-lanterns and kids at my door.  I will be waiting with a big bag of Twix, which is a candy I like, so I can eat it all when no one shows up.

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