I got one year left to be in my 30s, starting….NOW!

Today is my birthday.  I’m 39 years old.  I have one more year to check off the boxes on forms that say 30-39.

Goals for age 39:

1. Get carded at least 3 times at the liquor store.  C’mon… I can still get away with it, right?

2. Continue to ignore getting a cholesterol test so I may continue eating nachos throughout the year.

3. Add more video games and movies to my daily routine.

I’m offline now.  Time to drink champagne, eat chocolates and be completely irresponsible.


6 thoughts on “I got one year left to be in my 30s, starting….NOW!”

  1. Maaaaaan I am scared of that number. 39. I am only a few years old and if I were asked I would love to remain the same, but hey, we never get what we so badly want(especially me) all the best in your one year before you hit that 40 board and hey, don’t ruin it, we might need it in a few years time… 😉


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