This week, we’ve had a record amount of seeds floating through the air that look a lot like snow and are covering the ground in Stockholm.
The seeds are from willow and aspen trees, but if one were to try to use Google Translate to figure out where this is coming from, the translation would look like this:
Istället handlar det om rekordstora mängder frön från att sälg- och aspträd som slagit ut.
Instead, it is about record-high amounts of seeds from salmon and asparagus trees that have struck out.
Generally, this is how I translate most news stories in my head when reading quickly. However, I was wondering…. if this was true, can you imagine how horrible the forest would smell?
How strange it looks – and I’m glad for your sake that it doesn’t smell as it translates!!
Ooo– but a forest fire might give you smoked salmon ?
Not a bad idea! There were a few small fires yesterday (all that fluff makes it catch easily). Maybe someone was trying to do just that!
😀 Maybe .. if it was the U.S., almost certainly. 😀