Life is a Highway, but not on park trails

I got pulled over for the first time in Sweden this past weekend. Ok, I MAY have been driving on a bike trail, but I had a very good reason. (I had to load very heavy music equipment by the forest, because that’s what you do when your husband wants to make a music video in the forest. We’ve all been there, right?)

But anyway, someone reported the car, so right when I got on the main road, the police were just arriving.

Luckily, in Sweden, the police aren’t looking to make quotas. They are smart and reasonable and more focused on serious crimes. We explained the situation and were simply told not to do it again. And of course they were right, and no, I will not be doing that again.

But what my husband thought was funny was when the officer said, “You can’t make a music video in the forest.”  And my husband asked why not. I agree and I did check the sign in the nature reserve and it does not say you can’t record music videos in the forest.

The officer said, “umm…. well, you’re disturbing the animals.”

I think my husband said something like, “Well how do we know they don’t enjoy synth music?”

And I’d like to back up that argument with a photo that I totally took in the forest and did not steal from a synthesizer ad I found on Google.

Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 09.18.36.png

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