
We are taking a trip to the U.S. soon which requires many suitcases for a family of four.  Currently, all of these suitcases are packed and crammed into my bedroom.  I’d like to move them out into the front hall, but I’ve learned the hard way that little children like to sneak things into suitcases if they have access to them.  Hence, the suitcases being protected in my room.

One year, we lost our big pasta spoon.  We searched the house for it.  Finally found it later while on vacation stuffed into a side pocket of the suitcase.

Even the kids’ own backpacks are tucked safely away in my room.  If they had access to them, I’m sure upon arriving at the hotel that we would find about 15 stuffed animals and all of their Skylanders figurines in the place of clothes.

I normally allow the kids to bring 2 stuffed animals on the trip.  One year, my youngest picked a bear and a puppet hedgehog.  As soon as the plane took off from the runway, he pulled a third bear that he had hidden inside the puppet.  “HAHAHAHAHA!”  he laughed maniacally at me.

We will see if my hidden suitcase method works.  We are still distracted the morning that we leave, so they can always try to sneak things by us.  As long as it’s not out of the fish tank, I guess I won’t be too worried.


2 thoughts on “Packing”

  1. My brother put a plastic piece of railway track into my hand luggage when I visited the Soviet Union (as it was then) of course my bag was searched… That took some explaining…


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