Christmas gift ideas pt. 5

In an earlier Christmas gift idea post, I suggested a Zach Galifianakis swimsuit. Now I’m thinking, if you know someone who might want that swimsuit, they might also need a Steve Buscemi dress to go with it.

Infection Happy Hour

While I was at the doctor last week for a sore back, I saw signs posted on the wall that said, “Infection walk-ins from 10-11 every weekday.” This is a new thing that our local doctor’s office is trying for the winter. If you feel like you might have a throat, ear or urinary tract … Read more

If we all just chip in…..

I live in an apartment complex. We have an incredibly boring middle space between our two buildings with nothing on it because the building company decided to “keep the nature,” which basically translates to them wanting to save costs by not developing any common area for us to have barbecues. But now I’ve found this … Read more

Christmas gift ideas pt. 3

Ok, I don’t actually want this gift, but I would consider buying it if I were forced to be a secret santa at the office for someone I hate. Feel free to use the idea on irritating relatives or co-workers. This is an ant watch.  It contains 5 LIVE ants!  It doesn’t tell time, but … Read more

Little Shop of Horrors – Alternate ending

So I decided to show my youngest son one of my favorite movies since I was 11 – “Little Shop of Horrors.” I’ve watched it many times over the years including last year with his older brother on the DVD I bought in the 90s. Well, my husband got new Blu-Ray versions of everything to … Read more

A Swedish Halloween

Happy Halloween all! We had a Halloween dinner last night at a friends’ house and the kids got to go trick-or-treating. That’s right – LAST NIGHT, October 30. But this is Sweden where no one is quite sure if Halloween is only one day or which one it is, so they tend to celebrate for … Read more

Christmas ideas pt. 2

On my online quest for ideas to put on my wish list, I have come across this wizard hat for cats. I don’t have a cat, but if I could dress it up in a wizard hat, maybe I would get one.

Christmas Ideas pt. 1

My husband wants to know what I want for Christmas. He’s tired of me asking for the same books and bath stuff. I promise I try really hard to come up with things, but once I start looking online, I get really distracted. Now, I don’t think he will buy me any of this stuff, … Read more

Sad choices in marketing

I got this in my email from today.  I don’t think I’ve been on in almost 10 years. (Has anyone?) Anyway, I love how the subject line has a frowny face. What were they thinking during the meeting of how to reach out to people?  “Well, maybe if they feel sorry for us?” … Read more

Stupid parenting moments

Son:  Mamma, what’s tinder? Me: It’s a dating website for adults. Son: Um….. Club Penguin says I need to find tinder for making a fire. Me:  Oh.