Texas journal

This summer I spent 3 weeks with my family in Texas. While there, I kept a journal about some of the interesting things I encountered.


Why have I forgotten to write anything in 2022? Find out!

Pro Winter Tip

Great tip for making your apartment more cozy during the winter when you don’t own a fireplace.

The Swedish Halloween report

From having no pumpkins or celebrations for kids when I moved to Sweden over 20 years ago, Halloween has improved.As reported in previous years, trick-or-treating has resulted in: money, candy dug out of pockets, loose chips, aspirin. So the candy situation is getting better, but this year the kids also received:


Only the most important Italian phrases for me. Thanks Duolingo!

And now a Happy Swedish Mother’s Day

Yes, other countries celebrate Mother’s day at different times. Father’s day as well (it’s in November in Sweden, but June in the U.S.). This makes it extremely hard to remember when these types of days are coming up for family overseas, espeically if you need 1-2 weeks to mail a card so it will get … Read more