Icicle of Doom

My son thought he heard Santa Claus this morning up on our roof.   I didn’t think about it very much until I went outside and realized that there were several men on our roof.  They were pushing off all of the snow, which is something that’s done quite often around the city, as people are … Read more

Butternut squash

I was at the grocery store this morning when I noticed a new display with butternut squash.  After years of seeing so many American recipes using butternut squash, it was amazing to find it for the first time in Sweden. Butternut squash is such a rare thing here that there isn’t even a translation for … Read more

Let’s Go Crazy!

So there I am, sitting in a crowded subway surrounded by surly teenagers, when suddenly out of my pocket a little man from Minneapolis says, “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life….” Those touch pads on the iphone don’t seem to work quite fast enough when you are … Read more

Speed of lightning, roar of thunder…

If I were to start a music blog, I think my first post would be about the theme song to Underdog (popular cartoon from 1964-73).  I recently came across the song in an old t.v. theme song collection and it really stands out.   This was back when people actually put some thought into theme songs … Read more

Howler monkeys

I once had a great idea for a talk show hosted by howler monkeys.  Each week, there would be a new celebrity guest escorted into a room with a family of howler monkeys.  That’s about as far as it goes.  You don’t really need any other plan.  Just let the cameras roll.  Pure entertainment.


I don’t think anyone could listen to Bootsy Collins and be depressed.  If only we could all be as cool as Bootsy.  I hope my neighbors feel the same as the music is really rockin’ the whole apartment today.  These dark Swedish winters need a bit more Bootsy.

Worst dinosaur movie ever

I accidently started a horrible dinosaur movie for the kids. It’s poorness complete with a poorness soundtrack.  Every dinosaur in the movie talks like a 5 year old girl.  Why would dinosaurs sound like little girls?  Dinosaurs should sound like scary screaming monsters and all they should be doing is eating each other.  They can’t … Read more

News of the Weird

I picked up the Swedish paper this morning and had to ask myself, why is there a train full of virgins going to Moscow? After careful reading I finally realized that the report was about a train’s virgin voyage to Moscow. News is more interesting when I mis-translate. Earlier in the week I was confused … Read more

Watch your language

I am usually very careful about the expressions I use around people who don’t have English as a first language, but I slipped up earlier this week.  A woman was asking me about our new apartment building and I told her it was nice, but it’s so new that they haven’t worked out all the … Read more

You can fly!

In the Peter Pan movie, do you think they had to add in the part about the pixie dust after the first screening went wrong?   First Peter Pan says,  “All you need to fly is faith and trust…… oh, and a little bit of pixie dust!”   Always feels like that part was added in later.  … Read more

I want!

I’ve noticed that the woman at the reception desk at the swim hall always looks at me as if I’m an alien when I ask to swim.   I’ve thought about this and I think I have figured out the problem.  Even though I know the correct way to say a sentence in Swedish, I think … Read more

Issue one – Soup

I’ve been trapped in the house for a week now.  I’ve noticed when you don’t get outside, your world gets a bit smaller.  Today I will entertain you with the very important issues in my life right now. Heather’s Soup Review: Now at the top of the soup list is Campbell’s Chicken Noodle.  Unfortunately this … Read more

The Stand

Spent some time at our local hospital this morning.  When you walk in, the walls are plastered with flourescent orange papers announcing, “WE ARE OUT OF VACCINE!”  I thought it was a bit excessive with signs posted every 3 feet.   That didn’t stop the lady in front of me from taking a number and … Read more

I have become bitten

One thing that makes television fun to watch over here is the way they translate the titles.  There is a show on every evening listed as, “I Have Become Bitten.”  I’ve never actually looked at the show but I think I should.  It certainly sounds interesting.  I wonder what it could be.  Obviously someone is … Read more

Now we are here….

Why doesn’t anyone remake Xanadu?   Seems it’s about ready for a revival. Or did someone do that and I missed it somewhere?


I like to go swimming at our local pool on Tuesday mornings.  It’s a great time to go because that’s when the old folks have their water aerobics class.  This leaves the swimming lane empty, plus I get to swim to music.  When I get there, the music is great.  “Fly me to the Moon” … Read more

My Day

7:30 – 8:30 am  –   Feed kids.  Dress them in super arctic daycare gear.   Realize 5 year old forgot to go to bathroom.  Take off all super artic daycare gear and replace 5 minutes later. 8:45 am– Drop kids off at daycare.  Carry empty purse so it looks like I’m going to work or somewhere … Read more