Starbucks 2: The Search for Frappacinos

The Starbucks in Stockholm’s Arlanda airport has no Frappacinos. That’s right. And I think we can all agree that the only reason Starbucks exists is for the Frappacinos. I can get a cup of coffee anywhere, but a frozen desert treat disguised as “coffee?” That’s the magic of Starbucks. 

It’s not as if they were out of “Frappacino mix.” There were no blenders or options for Frappacinos at all.

Later in the week, we’re out shopping in Beaumont, Texas. We see a Starbucks in the distance. As we approach in the car, we see the building is surrounded by construction workers and is completely empty inside. It’s closed for remodelling. 

No problem! There’s another Starbucks located inside a grocery store across the street. We drive over, find a parking space and walk in the hot sun, desperate for something to quench our thirst, before reaching the doors. 

We approach the counter and begin to place our order for Frappacinos, only to be told they are “out of the base for making Frappacinos” – whatever that means. 

At this point, we decide to re-locate our shopping to the nearby town of Nederland. (Not because of the Starbucks problem; we were simply done with the Beaumont stores.)

The Nederland Target has a Starbucks inside. Finally, Frappacinos! We are so relieved that we aren’t even mad when we receive the cups and, instead of my husband’s name ‘Måns’, the word ‘Misc.” is written in back marker on the side. 

Best of all, this particular Target has shopping carts with cup holders! Yea America!

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