Taco Bell – expensive eatin’

I’ve been having to do some food research lately for work and I came across this article on Business Insider about Taco Bell’s new “Low-end menu.”

 “Taco Bell’s new “low end” menu release.

Taco Bell released a menu featuring a bunch of items for $1. At a time when McDonald’s and Wendy’s value menus are featuring more expensive items, affordability will help Taco Bell stand out. ”

So, Taco Bell was previously too expensive? Yeah, that 99 cent burrito I was getting was putting me in the poor house.

C’mon people!  Taco Bell barely qualifies as food.  It doesn’t need to be more affordable.  It needs to have a complete overhaul or possibly be shut down for being hazardous to human heath!



1 thought on “Taco Bell – expensive eatin’”

  1. It is so bad for you but tastes soooo good. I actually haven’t been there for years but I have such fond memories of the 7 layer burrito from college. Ah, could you pass me the hot sauce?


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