Texas journal

This summer I spent 3 weeks with my family in Texas. While there, I kept a journal about some of the interesting things I encountered.

Texas journal Part 1:

July 19
Saw 3 buzzards eating a dead armadillo on the road this morning.

Buzzards of Texas
Skeleton sitting in back to school section of store.

July 26
Even though it’s July, most of the stores are putting out Halloween displays. A sales clerk walked up to me and asked if I was looking for any Halloween items today. I replied, “No. It’s July.”

July 28
We found a channel that plays ‘The Price is Right‘ 24-hours a day. Plus, they’re currently doing a marathon and are up to the year 1984. It’s fun to guess the prices on items from back then. New cars were about $6000-8000, but you really wouldn’t want any of them. However, they do match the fashion and hairstyles of the contestants pretty well, so I guess it all works out.

My husband says “When people ask me how I spent my vacation, I’ll say that I spent about a third of it watching The Price is Right episodes from 1984.”

rainy roads seen through windshield

July 29

Dad decided to teach the boys how to drive a truck.

After he took the first one out for 30 minutes in a storm, I got a call letting me know that my son only ran 2 lights, but he didn’t get pulled over so he considered that a success!

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