Waking up from hibernation

Took a bit of a break from the blog because in these times…. THERE’S NOTHING HAPPENING!

By the way, I am so sick of the phrase “in these times.” It’s on every business door and webpage. Look, we KNOW why you’re only letting 9 people in at a time, you don’t have to keep throwing it in our faces. It’s not like we forgot why everything sucks. The sign can just say “9 people maximum.”

That being said, some of the new signs this week (Easter break) in Stockholm finally have some new words on them – We’re Open!

I’m mainly referring to museums, which have mostly been closed for the past 6 months. Now there’s something to do when the weather is awful outside.

This week we went to the Nordic museum’s exhibit, “The Arctic – While the Ice is Melting,” which should probably have been called, “The Arctic is Melting and it’s all YOUR FAULT!” A lot of guilt-tripping, but also some cool light installations and tools and outfits of people who live up north. Polar bear pants that make you look like Pan were my favourite.

While there, I also confirmed my theory on why people buy sticks with feathers for Easter. To beat people with!

Surprise sleeping friends
with a twig-whipping
on their bare skin!
This was to be done on Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras.
The inherent power of the bunch of twigs was thought to be beneficial.

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