Why I hate online video news

Why does every news story I click on have to start with a video playing automatically? I just want to read what happened and move on! I don’t want or need to see the video, and yet there it is, blaring at full volume about two seconds after the page loads. Without fail, I have to scramble to find the pause button, usually after I’ve startled myself, my dog, and possibly my neighbors.

Today was a great example of why video news is awful – some of them run commercials before the story. Of course, nothing says “serious breaking news” like being forced to watch 15 seconds of a cheerful commercial first.

I now give you the screenshot of what I saw when I clicked on this story about an attempted kidnapping.

I always knew there was something messed up about Jack.

Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 08.59.29.png

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