Thanks, Fake Roomba!
There are a few purchases that have really made our lives easier (lazier) and better, and one of those is our generic-brand Roomba (can’t afford the real one)!
We recently got a cat, which made it necessary to vacuum every day – but now that’s Fake Roomba’s job! It’s really nice to come home to a freshly vacuumed house… that is, when Fake Roomba actually gets to finish his work.
It seems that the cat does not appreciate the hard work that Fake Roomba does to help him keep his place in the house while shedding. Our cat has a favorite toy, a stick with feathers, and he has learned that if he places it in the path of Fake Roomba, it will get caught and turn it off. So if I don’t hide that particular toy, I come home each day to a small, round vacuum that has been choked with feathers.
Of course, Fake Roomba, has also my increased amount of laziness. Instead of cleaning the breadcrumbs off the table in the morning, I’ve started pushing them to the floor thinking, “Fake Roomba can take care of that.”
Ah, technology. Ain’t it great?
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😀 Hahahaha 😀