Life in the Land of the Ice and Snow Podcast

The Podcast

Heather and her expat friends discuss their experiences and humiliations among their adopted country of Sweden. We discuss tips, observations, and the type of important questions expats want to know, such as “Why are there witches on Easter?”, “Why do Swedes never take the last piece of candy?” and “Where can I find decent Tex-Mex food?”.

The Blog

As an American living in Stockholm I’ve had lots of observations and questions about my adopted country of Sweden that I’ve been blogging about since 2009. I talk about the difficulties of finding a job, parenting, and horrible, horrible language mistakes.

Latest episodes

image shows an embarrassed emoji face on top of a wrong translation search

#140 I Like Cookies

Kimberly, from Houston, talks about the + and – of living in Sweden, dating culture in TX, language mistakes & why we celebrate Black History Month

image shows a forest

#139 Enjoying Green Spaces    

Burak, from Turkey talks about enjoying the reserved lifestyle in Sweden with yoga, meditation and green spaces.

image shows the city of Norrköping

#138 Did You Say Swindon or Sweden?

Dean originally thought he was moving to Swindon, not Sweden. But it all worked out for the best! Starting in Norrköping and ending up in Stockholm, he now runs his own business and spends time wondering why everyone in Sweden wears black in the winter.

Latest Posts

image shows toy dinosaur standing on a fence

Lost and Found in Stockholm

One thing that’s nice about Stockholm is that when you lose something, about 95% of the people will put it somewhere in the hopes that you will find it.

image shows the Ikea store in Kungens Kurva

The Bi-Yearly Trek to IKEA

I’m sure many of you around the world shop at IKEA, and from what I’ve seen, the experience seems universally the same. Let me walk you through the classic IKEA adventure – see if this sounds familiar.

image shows person wearing flip flops in the snow

More Winter Tips

What if I told you that you there’s actually a few more ways you could enjoy the winter? That’s right, it’s possible. Just take a look!