Zombies of WW1

I currently have two television shows I’m following: The Walking Dead and Downton Abbey.  Yes, I’m a gal of many tastes.

I think if you’re going to follow any shows on t.v., you have to make sure you don’t confuse them.  Luckily, I’m able to realize that Downton Abbey is probably not the show where a person just ripped someone’s arm off and ate his brain. Of course I’m not caught up with all the seasons yet, so I could be wrong.  War is tough and they were low on food rations back then.

I find it interesting that when we watch the cast of The Walking Dead, we think about how much they must stink with all that blood and those ragged clothes.  Yet, do we ever stop to think about how rarely people bathed back in the early 1900s?  This might be something similar between the two shows.

My advice if you would also like to follow these shows – Downton Abbey is fine to watch at lunch or dinner.  You might want to save The Walking Dead for a time when food is not involved.

(I’d like to add, when I did an image search, I found I wasn’t the only one to think of this subject.)
