#40 Expat Superpowers

Luis, who grew up in Spain, talks a bit about his birth country Costa Rica (watch out for alligators), swimming at Saltsjöbaden (fun to swim in, hard to say) and expat superpowers!

#36 Cafe Culture and Neighbors

Olga, from Ukraine, talks about Ukrainian vs. Swedish cafe culture, getting to know your neighbors through fake traditions, and the beauty of rules, among other things.

#34 Scuba, Starfish and Summer Camp

We’re back for Season 2 with a recap of our Swedish and not-so Swedish summers. We discuss scuba diving with the metric system, the advantages of bathing caps and co-ed summer camps.

#33 Swedes Explain – Crawfish parties

You may have noticed the large number of crawfish napkins, plates, hats and lamps in every store lately. Well, on this summer edition of Swedes Explain, Tobias fills us in on the mysteries of the Swedish crawfish party.

#27 Season Wrap-up and Summer Tips

Heather and Monica take you through a review of what we’ve learned this season and the people we’ve met. We also have some good summer tips, including why you should ask if your Swedish friends have a REAL bathroom at their summer house.

#24 Learning Swedish Through Cartoons and Soap Operas

Leonel, from Argentina and one-half of the popular FB page ”Learn Swedish in a FUN way!” gives us the lowdown on how to learn Swedish through cartoons and the 90’s soap opera, Rederiet! Also included in this episode – the proper time to eat pastries and whether Viking races are better than pizza races. (Pizza … Read more