Tag: Sweden

  • Issue one – Soup

    I’ve been trapped in the house for a week now.  I’ve noticed when you don’t get outside, your world gets a bit smaller.  Today I will entertain you with the […]

  • The Stand

    Spent some time at our local hospital this morning.  When you walk in, the walls are plastered with flourescent orange papers announcing, “WE ARE OUT OF VACCINE!”  I thought it […]

  • I have become bitten

    One thing that makes television fun to watch over here is the way they translate the titles.  There is a show on every evening listed as, “I Have Become Bitten.”  […]

  • Cocoon

    I like to go swimming at our local pool on Tuesday mornings.  It’s a great time to go because that’s when the old folks have their water aerobics class.  This […]

  • My Day

    7:30 – 8:30 am  –   Feed kids.  Dress them in super arctic daycare gear.   Realize 5 year old forgot to go to bathroom.  Take off all super artic daycare gear […]