Tag: Swedish

  • My hovercraft is full of eels

    I saw a paper yesterday for new students coming to Sweden. It gives helpful phrases they may need to know in Swedish. There were only about 20 phrases. The best […]

  • News of the Weird

    I picked up the Swedish paper this morning and had to ask myself, why is there a train full of virgins going to Moscow? After careful reading I finally realized […]

  • Watch your language

    I am usually very careful about the expressions I use around people who don’t have English as a first language, but I slipped up earlier this week.  A woman was […]

  • I want!

    I’ve noticed that the woman at the reception desk at the swim hall always looks at me as if I’m an alien when I ask to swim.   I’ve thought about […]

  • I have become bitten

    One thing that makes television fun to watch over here is the way they translate the titles.  There is a show on every evening listed as, “I Have Become Bitten.”  […]

  • Cocoon

    I like to go swimming at our local pool on Tuesday mornings.  It’s a great time to go because that’s when the old folks have their water aerobics class.  This […]