image shows a christmas star

American vs. Swedish Christmas Traditions

Being a dual citizen, part American and part Swedish, means I get the best of both worlds during the holidays.  In Sweden, Christmas is celebrated on December 24th, while in America, we celebrate on December 25th. That means two full days of Christmas celebrations — my kids have never complained. So let’s take a look … Read more

image shows comment feed on Facebook discussing whether kids can trick or treat in a Swedish neighborhood

The Annual Halloween Confusion

And so it begins again. The annual confusion over the correct day for Swedes to celebrate Halloween. This is just a sample from our neighborhood online group. Allow me to translate:  -Can kids go on Halloween and ring on private people’s doors October 31st? -Yes, anyone that has a lit pumpkin in front of their … Read more

Texas journal

This summer I spent 3 weeks with my family in Texas. While there, I kept a journal about some of the interesting things I encountered.