image shows comment feed on Facebook discussing whether kids can trick or treat in a Swedish neighborhood

The Annual Halloween Confusion

And so it begins again. The annual confusion over the correct day for Swedes to celebrate Halloween. This is just a sample from our neighborhood online group. Allow me to translate:  -Can kids go on Halloween and ring on private people’s doors October 31st? -Yes, anyone that has a lit pumpkin in front of their … Read more

image of the top of my head in a bathroom mirror that I am too short to reach.

These are some tall people

Once again, I’m reminded of how I will always be different than the majority of Scandinavians by simply trying to look at my own face in the bathroom mirror at a Swedish hotel.  I also can’t look out of the peephole in the door without standing in my toes. 

image shows parody of the swedish defense new ad campaign

Sweden – worth defending?

I’ve noticed the new campaigns lately by the Swedish Defense to get people to join. However, when I saw the one that basically said, “Swedish summer, worth defending,” all I could think of was this

Magic phone bags

No phones are the norm for comedy performances these days. But in Sweden everyone is such a rule follower that it’s enough to simply ask us not to use our phones.

Why a goat?

Why are goats a thing in Swedish Christmas? Let’s look at the historical lore on the origins of the Christmas goat.

When will the goat burn?

I’m feeling a bit cold today and thinking of ways to warm up, so of course my thoughts are turning toward the giant straw Christmas goat that sits in the city of Gävle.