Tag: chocolate
My kind of art
I saw this wall by Venchi chocolates at Eataly in Bologna. Pixel art is great, but it’s even BETTER when it’s made with CHOCOLATE!
#10 It Takes a Lot of Chocolate to Get Through a Dark Winter
AnaMaria and Gustavo from Ecuador talk all about chocolate and how it’s made. We also discuss how it is to move from a year-round sunny and warm country to six […]
Death by Chocolate
We keep our candy very high up in the cabinet so as not to be constantly tempted by chocolate. I thought I would sneak a small piece so I climbed […]
I never read the context of these articles. I pretend they are direct questions posted to me and then I answer them. On to the next headline…
Best news my son’s heard all week
My youngest has been suffering from a bad cold with a strong cough all week. This article couldn’t have come at a better time for him.
Tips for upcoming winter
Hang your coat on a radiator overnight to be nice and toasty when you wear it the next day. (Warning: Remove chocolates from pocket.)
The coffee table needs rest too
Well it’s a 4-day weekend here and the chocolate-eating has begun…. for the adults at least. As usual, during weekend afternoons, we tell the kids that they need to rest […]
My breakfast
This was my breakfast yesterday morning. Actually, it included small chocolate, licquorice passion fruit cakes as well but they didn’t last long enough for the picture. I might also want […]
Salmon with your chocolate?
1. Yes, that sign says, Hot Chocolate with a warm SALMON bagel. What a great combination! 2. This was at Ben & Jerry’s ice cream parlor. I don’t remember seeing […]
Candy coma
I’ve been away from the computer for a few days. I blame it on candy coma. The holidays were just a 2 week candy binge. It’s actually not over yet. […]
The kind of crime I like
Two big crime stories in the Swedish news this past month. 1. Man steals truckload of chocolate. 2. Men steal hot dogs. (caught by mustard stains!)
Major panic in the office yesterday. The man who orders the coffee went on vacation. NOOOOO!!!! Our department was completely out of coffee. There was a mild panic and traffic jam of […]
One of the cultural differences I noticed when I moved to Sweden is that Swedes will never take the last of anything. If you attend a Swedish party, by the […]