Tag: film
#129 From Valborg Fires to Friendly Faces
It’s a two for one special today! We’ve got Lee and Alan, both from the UK. We chat about Valborg, defend Systembolaget and share some tips on meeting people through […]
Boring Sunday + 3D Printer =
My husband was so preoccupied with whether he could, he didn’t stop to think if he should.
12 Angry Birds
My youngest son was extremely excited yesterday when looking over our movie list and seeing that we had “12 Angry Men.” He thought it was a sequel to the Angry […]
This really irritates me
Someone posted this in a Facebook group yesterday. Here’s my problem with this every time I see it in a movie… In most of these movie situations, the person is […]
Little Shop of Horrors – Alternate ending
So I decided to show my youngest son one of my favorite movies since I was 11 – “Little Shop of Horrors.” I’ve watched it many times over the years […]
Baytown Outlaws
I grew up in Baytown, Texas, just outside of Houston. I usually just tell people I’m from Houston since it’s more well known (and I pause for the required, “Houston, […]
Alan Turing vs. the Sharknado
This weekend I watched both “The Imitation Game” (nominated for 8 Oscars) and “Sharknado 2″(nominated for 0 Oscars). I will now write an comparison essay on these two films: “Alan […]
Pet peeve
What happens after people sneak into a room and pull papers from a file folder? Do they put the files back where they belong?
Scandinavian Film
Recently, I’ve been taking an online course on Scandinavian film. This course has been going on now for 4 weeks, but I can save you the time spent taking the […]
The Fugitive
Almost all of my knowledge about Chicago is based on “The Fugitive.” However, my husband doesn’t think it’s funny that at every restaurant and museum, I walk up to the […]
Just a little break from the usual to say – How did I miss the movie Zardoz??!!! This was recommended by several people, so I looked it up. Sean Connery, […]
I like that Sweden subtitles their movies and keeps them in the original language. The only thing that’s annoying is that we all read the subtitles before the actor says […]
I went to the movies this week which started me thinking of the differences between movie theaters in Stockholm and Houston. So today I have a list of pros and […]
Worst dinosaur movie ever
I accidently started a horrible dinosaur movie for the kids. It’s poorness complete with a poorness soundtrack. Every dinosaur in the movie talks like a 5 year old girl. Why […]
You can fly!
In the Peter Pan movie, do you think they had to add in the part about the pixie dust after the first screening went wrong? First Peter Pan says, “All […]