Tag: graveyard
Creamation, uh.. I mean cream with your coffee?
I live next to a graveyard that is also a World Heritage Site for it’s architecture and placement in a forest. It’s a nice place to walk around. Greta Garbo […]
Graveyard sledding
Our local paper has raised a question in our neighborhood; Should people be sledding in a graveyard? The initial picture one gets in one’s head is of sleds crashing into […]
Sure, it cuts down on transportation, but….
While walking though my neighborhood today, I noticed they built the Old Folk’s Home facing the graveyard. Seems cruel.
Spooky sunbathing
Took a walk today at lunch through a graveyard. I’ve always thought it was creepy that they built a hospital across the street from a graveyard. Half of the patient […]