Tag: hat

  • Almost charitable, but not quite

    What do you want for your birthday, son? Instead of a gift for me, I want to give it to someone else. Wow! That’s very charitable of you! Who would […]

  • Dress Code

    In my old hometown newspaper from Texas, there is an article this week about a sophomore student in high school asking the School Board to remove the ban on boys […]

  • Bucket hat of shame!

    Children who don’t eat their vegetables are sent outside in the “Bucket hat of shame.” (I hope you know I’m kidding.. The truth is, I have no idea why he […]

  • Cat in the Hat

    My husband and kids have wanted to visit Japan for quite a while. Of course they all want to go there because it’s a video game paradise, and it would […]

  • Christmas gift ideas pt. 10

    This is the final gift idea I can come up with. Also, in doing this list of Christmas gift ideas, I have totally ruined my Amazon recommendations.  Merry Christmas everyone!  […]

  • Getting darker

    It’s already getting darker outside.  It’s supposed to be gradual after the autumn equinox.  Just a couple of minutes a day.  LIES!  It jumped an hour earlier just 2 days […]