Social Media Detox

It’s that time of year again. I will be disconnected for 3 weeks and it’s going to be GREAT as usual! Anything posted here is pre-scheduled! So if I’m not commenting on things, well…. that’s why. Being disconnected also means I see no news at all unless it’s in Italian, of which I understand only …

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Mouse crime is way up!

How have I not heard about this? Now, I heard about the small mouse restaurant in Malmö a year or more ago and thought that was brilliant. But apprently, the mouse community in Malmö has grown, and of course more mice means more problems…. or hiliarous news stories that are part of a really ingenious …

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Well, that’s a relief

While looking through CNN headlines, I often notice articles sandwiched in between news of war and sickness, such as this one. Was this really a thing? Or was the reporter just out of ideas and repeated something someone said at a party? It seems you could write a lot of articles this way: Peanut Butter …

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Actual news story or “It” promotion?

I can’t be the only person who sees this headline on CNN and wonders if someone just really wants to promote the new Stephen King “It” movie remake. (Also, before posting this story, I had to add a category to my post. I went with “parenting,” as it’s good parental skills not to let your …

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Why Sweden is awesome

Today’s news story in The Local about police letting a suspect go ‘because it’s Friday’ has inspired me to go back and put a list of other news stories (yes, all true) illustrating just a few things that make Sweden pretty awesome:

Do I *like* crime?

I follow the Stockholm Police Twitter account on my feed to keep up with what’s happening. They’re very good at reporting what’s happening around town. Today a major street by our neighborhood had to be shut down temporarily because a moose wandered onto it.  Being a Texan, even after 15 years in Sweden, it’s still …

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More DISASTER Strawberry news….

It seems I missed this story in The Local over the weekend. When I say Swedes take their strawberries seriously, I really mean it. And no, it’s not a joke. It’s a real story.  Forget stealing cars or purses…. strawberries are the hot commodity here.

The latest in boot theft news

“Burglar breaks into Cavender’s Boot City, steals boots” This headline is in the Houston, Texas news today. I don’t know why this makes me laugh, other than the question, Well, what else WOULD he steal?

My own magazine

I have to read a lot of online magazines for my job. So many of them are the same. Then I start thinking about writing my own online magazine. Much like a blog I guess. What would I call it to get people’s attention? The Awesome Gossip Report. Top stories: Just awesome stuff, like how …

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Am I too cynical?

I have to read food news for my job. The headline for one said, “Make your own cheese with only 2 ingredients!” I do that all the time. Milk and laziness.  Done.

Beaver attack!

These are always my favorite stories around here. But I still have never seen a beaver! I’m always looking for them. Everyone says they’re around. I go to the nature reserve and look in the small lakes, I go to parts of the city near the water where they’ve been spotted.  Still never seen one! …

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Fridges around the world!

Well, it seems I’ve made world news by simply posting people’s refrigerators from around the world. This week I’m in charge of @sweden, the country’s national account, and I decided to post a picture of what was in my fridge.  I find it interesting to see what’s in someone’s fridge in another country, so I …

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