Tag: office

  • My stock photo workmates

    Stock photo people are just so talented. The same people are doctors, lawyers and construction workers.

  • Re-gifting

    I was watching John Oliver’s YouTube clip about re-gifting this morning. He advised to just re-gift for office parties instead of re-gifting to your friends.  I feel like most people […]

  • My life as a lab rat

    I’m starting to easily understand the old story of Alexander Fleming leaving an experiment over a long weekend and discovering penicillin from the mold when he came back. Apparently in […]

  • Cheap microwave

    Don’t have a microwave at your work?  Just do what I do!  Set the portable heater on high and put your muffin in front!  Works like a charm.

  • Plan B

    My co-worker received a phone call last week from a customer who could not get the product she wanted because it was sold out. “What will I do now?”  the […]