Cause it just feels wrong to throw them out?

I saw this article, at first thinking it was about my husband, but then realizing they said ‘phones’ and not ‘cords’. However, we actually do have about 11 old mobile phones sitting in a box. I keep thinking we should make an art project out of them. I had them all in a glass vase …

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My husband started the morning by showing our young boys the indestructible power of an old Commodore 64 joystick. Now, I could write about how we are low on money and I eat mostly crackers at the end of the month just to save while apparently my husband NEEDS to buy two old Commodore joysticks …

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Everything was better in the …

… insert decade here. I’m sure you’ve gotten one of these emails before, or seen a post on Facebook about how much better it was in the 1950s. “We didn’t have to wear seatbelts!”  “Our kids could run and play in the neighborhood all day!” “Families ate dinner together!” “Kids listened to their parents!” Besides …

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A 10 year old with a phone

Now that my son has to travel on his own to school, we gave him his own phone. Giving a 10-year old their own phone results in daily messages like this: (the woman in the picture is supposed to be me.)

A morning without my phone

On Tuesday, I went into town without my iPhone.  Was this some sort of experiment, you ask?  No, I’m an idiot who dropped my new phone and smashed the glass , so it had to be taken to the shop. I’m very big on not being attached to technology.  I’m generally quite proud of myself …

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Something keeps beeping from somewhere in my house. My husband says it’s the new phone he got.  But it’s not coming from the phone. I’m pretty sure I’m being invaded.  


A 10 year old girl asked to use my desk phone yesterday.  Here’s how it went: Girl: How do I dial? Me: Just dial direct.  You don’t need anything special to get out. Girl:  (puts receiver down on desk, dials number and stands there)  Now what do I do? Me:  PUT IT TO YOUR EAR! …

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Conversation I had on the phone today: Me: Hello, I’m calling about…. Lady: Speak English please. Me: I AM speaking English. I’m calling about…. Lady: Please can you speak English? Me: I AM SPEAKING ENGLISH!