Tag: Sweden

  • image shows planes flying around the world

    #115 Belonging

    Matteo is from so many countries that we lost count. He talks to us about his international journey and the importance of belonging.

  • Why a goat?

    Why are goats a thing in Swedish Christmas? Let's look at the historical lore on the origins of the Christmas goat.

  • When will the goat burn?

    I'm feeling a bit cold today and thinking of ways to warm up, so of course my thoughts are turning toward the giant straw Christmas goat that sits in the city of Gävle.

  • image shows the world in a Christmas tree

    #114 Holidays Around the World

    on 4 guests about how they celebrate the holidays where they come from: Egypt, Manchester, Cape Cod, Sri Lanka, Essex and France.

  • image shows passports and visas

    #113 The Trouble With Visas

    Today’s episode was recorded remotely, but not for the usual reason. This time our guest, Sheona, got deported! She gives us the whole story and more.

  • image shows meatballs on a plate

    #112 Meatballs for Every Occasion

    Ameury from France wants to know why the same food is served for every Swedish holiday.

  • image shows a swedish graveyard on all saints day

    #111 Brexpat

    We talk to Luke from Essex in the UK about southern Sweden, Halloween and All Saints Day.

  • image shows person in waterproof coat and gloves

    #110 Waterproof

    Vajeen is from Sri Lanka and wanted to move to another country. His wife wanted Australia, but they ended up in the opposite hemisphere.

  • image shows a leaky pipe

    #109 Remember to Get Insurance

    A quarter-life crisis led Adam to leave the Cape Cod America dream to find out what Europe had to offer.

  • image shows schnapps drinks

    #108 Is There a Blue One?

    Grace, from Manchester, tells us about her first Midsommar experience and being repeatedly overrun by bicycles.

  • Important voting issues

    What seems to be the most important issue after Sweden's Election Day? Envelopes.

  • A observation on the Swedish workplace

    Why Swedish office meetings remind me of the t.v. show Mad Men

  • this image shows a strawberry that looks like a reindeer

    #107 Reindeer and Strawberries

    Mustafa, from Egypt, talks to us about warm countries vs cold countries, Egyptian cotton, and discovering new careers.

  • Image shows kiwi crossing in New Zealand

    #106 Trapped in Paradise

    Diego returns for the season finale! We discuss which is easier – moving to Sweden or New Zealand? Also, co-living spaces in Stockholm and salmon fishing

  • image shows sourdough bread

    #105 Welcome to the Sourdough Hotel

    Johanna is a former tour guide from Hungary that now lives in Sweden. Today she shares her views on Hungarian paprika, Stockholm's sourdough hotel, and why Sweden is good when it comes to banking but not when installing bathroom pipes.

  • image shows a photo of iceland

    #104 The Book of Icelanders

    Anna is from the land of no McDonalds and no mosquitos - otherwise known as Iceland!

  • image shows caviar in tubes

    103 Caviar Every Saturday

    Oystein, from our neighbor Norway, explains some differences between our two countries. Plus, Valborg plans.

  • picture shows a Piggelin popsicle and money

    #102 The Price of Piggelin is Too Damn High

    Jeremy from the U.S. talks about working remote and living outside of Stockholm. Plus, we get a tip on a place called Dog Island.

  • image shows boots on gravel

    #101 Gravel in My Shoes

    Anna, from the Netherlands, took an analytical approach when deciding to live in Sweden. Pros: good work/life balance. Cons: You often have gravel in your shoes.

  • image shows muffins

    #100 We’re Going to Have a Meeting About the Meeting

    Malcolm from Sydney, Australia, gives us some tips on how to reinvent ourselves when starting over in a new country. Also, why do Swedes need so many meetings?