Tiger Toothpaste
Why can’t my toothpaste look like this? I really don’t understand why adult toothpaste can’t have cool pictures too. We could have cool characters from our shows just like kids do:
Walter White Toothpaste, whitening power! (toothpaste color is blue).
Rick Grime’s Zombie Clean (get that grime off your teeth!)
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Paste (shows where the plaque is when you put it on)
The possibilites are endless.
7 Replies to “Tiger Toothpaste”
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Tardis toothpaste (cleans your teeth before you use it)
I would totally buy Tardis toothpaste (because your mouth is bigger on the inside)
Or perhaps Strax toothpaste (cleans your mouth like a grenade of fresh breath)
Tardis toothpaste (cleans your teeth before you use it)
I liked my Mister Stripey toothpaste when I was a kid…. they took it off the market for cyclomates or some such thing.
Probably full of toxins and sugar. And I’m sure they’ll take this tiger and transformer toothpaste off the market in 10 years for asbestos or something. 🙂 Where’s the video game toothpaste? Pac-Man toothpaste. Super Mario? I need to get into marketing.
Yep — there’s millions for the taking !!! 😀